"Kharkiv School of Photography: a game against the apparatus" presentation of the book


As part of the parallel program to "Author is in the Game"  exhibition will be a presentation of "Kharkiv School of Photography: a game against the apparatus" book by Nadezhda Bernard-Kovalchuk on June 1 at 19:00 at YermilovCentre.

The presentation will be in the format of a dialogue with Borys Filonenko, who is an art critic, curator, editor of IST Publishing .

Free admission.

"Kharkiv School of Photography: a game against the apparatus" presentation of the book

As part of the parallel program to "Author is in the Game"  exhibition will be a presentation of "Kharkiv School of Photography: a game against the apparatus" book by Nadezhda Bernard-Kovalchuk on June 1 at 19:00 at YermilovCentre.

The presentation will be in the format of a dialogue with Borys Filonenko, who is an art critic, curator, editor of IST Publishing .

Free admission.

"Kharkiv School of Photography: a game against the apparatus" presentation of the book

As part of the parallel program to "Author is in the Game"  exhibition will be a presentation of "Kharkiv School of Photography: a game against the apparatus" book by Nadezhda Bernard-Kovalchuk on June 1 at 19:00 at YermilovCentre.

The presentation will be in the format of a dialogue with Borys Filonenko, who is an art critic, curator, editor of IST Publishing .

Free admission.

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